Let’s stay in touch.
Here’s how to find us.

Sign up with NEXTransit to get updates on upcoming surveys and events!
For general NEXTransit questions or comments, you can reach us a few different ways.
Email: info@nextransit.network
SMS/Text: This service is temporarily unavailable. We will post updated information here once that changes.
Phone: This service is temporarily unavailable. We will post updated information here once that changes.
Web browser issues?
If the NEXTransit website isn’t working properly for you, we recommend using the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari (those browsers will work best—Internet Explorer is not supported). If you’re still having problems or you have an accessibility request, please feel free to contact us and we will try to resolve your issue or provide content in another way.
Connect with PRT online, on the phone, or in-person for all your transit needs.
(412) 442-2000
Monday – Friday
7:30 am – 5:00 pm