We hear you.
To prove it, we’re sharing what we’ve learned so far.
This stuff is important, because in order to know what we should do NEXT, we need to understand where we are now—and you have told us a lot!
Get your fill of background data and check out summaries of the public input we’ve gotten so far.
Read the NEXTransit Existing Conditions Report to get an understanding of how our transit system functions today and how it compares to other systems across the country, and check out the interactive map to learn more about your community.
We collected stories about what people like about using transit and what types of barriers they experience when they are navigating the system. We also have survey data about who rides transit today.
We asked people about major destinations they travel to, how transit gets them there, and where they experience transit gaps. Coupled with data analysis, this will help to develop project ideas.
Following our initial data analysis and public input about where transit gaps exist, we developed nine proposed “transit connection areas” where investments might have a big impact on connectivity. These areas form the basis for further refinement of ideas that will become actual proposed projects.
Tell us what you think
We’re always looking for your ideas. Check out our input page to see where we are in the planning process and get involved!