NEXTransit Plan Documents

The NEXTransit Plan
This is the main plan document that has been adopted by Port Authority’s Board of Directors in September 2021, and will be the guide for both the agency and the community going forward.
NEXTransit Appendices:
These documents provide additional context and detail to support the main NEXTransit plan document. Several of the items below were produced as reports on specific portions of the planning process, some are deeper dives into individual topics relevant to plan implementation, and some summarize the results of the NEXTransit process (such as public engagement statistics).
Appendix C: Public Engagement Plan (May 2020)
Appendix D: Existing Conditions Report (August 2020)
Appendix K: Final Public Engagement Statistics (September 2021)
Appendix L: NEXTransit White Papers (This link contains all topics in a single PDF—see the links below for individual topic PDFs)