Next stop: Answers.
Planning for transit systems can be complicated. We’ve got answers to some common questions about transit and planning—and NEXTransit, specifically. If you don’t see your question here, let us know!
NEXTransit Frequently Asked Questions
+ What is NEXTransit?
NEXTransit is the name given to Port Authority’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan. From spring 2020 through summer 2021, Port Authority will work with the public via a team of consultants to develop the NEXTransit plan. Read more plan details here.
+ What is Port Authority of Allegheny County? What is its mission?
Port Authority of Allegheny County was established in 1964 and operates public transportation service within Allegheny County. It is a public authority and is run by a board of 11 members. Its fleet includes more than 700 buses, 80 light rail vehicles and two inclined planes: the Monongahela Incline and the Duquesne Incline. Port Authority’s mission is to deliver outstanding transportation services that connect people to life.
This means a stable, viable and growing public transit system is essential to health, well-being, and economic growth of our region and Commonwealth. With the vision to become America’s premier public transportation company, Port Authority is focused on raising the bar regarding what a rider should expect from their transit system. Learn more on the Port Authority website
+ What is a Long-Range Transportation Plan?
A Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is a comprehensive, long-term plan to guide investments and decision-making to plan, design, build, operate and manage a regional transportation network. The plan will support and integrate the region’s complementary planning efforts, and address the needs and wants of its communities and partners. Following the planning process, the NEXTransit plan will be an action-oriented strategy for making major investments and changes to service within the Authority’s system that will guide the Authority, its planning partners, the public, and regional stakeholders in setting priorities for major transit investments through horizon year 2045. Read more plan details here.
+ Why do we need the NEXTransit Plan?
The NEXTransit plan will serve as a guide for future investments, prioritization of projects, and future financial sustainability for Port Authority. It will also ensure that the community’s voice is incorporated into those future projects. Check out Planning & Transit 101 to learn more about why we plan.
+ What are the goals of the NEXTransit plan?
Working together with the community, Port Authority’s goals are to:
- Engage the public by listening to and soliciting input.
- Evaluate economic changes by understanding existing and future markets for transit.
- Provide transportation choices by identifying and planning accessible transit that connects to jobs, attractions, services, and to one another.
- Analyze system conditions and performance by building upon the system’s current strengths while addressing weaknesses.
- Prioritize future efforts by developing a set of priority investments and recommendations that enhance the region’s mobility, take advantage of efficiencies, and foster equitable and transit-supportive community development.
Learn more on the plan details page.
+ How does the NEXTransit planning process work?
To develop the NEXTransit plan, Port Authority will review existing data including previous transportation plans, transit routes and system information, ridership data, transit patterns, corridor plans, current and ongoing planning efforts, services, gaps, market analysis, and other relevant information and data sets. In addition, Port Authority will conduct a robust 6-phase community engagement process that will include methods such as surveys, events, meetings, and interactive workshops—all of which can be done virtually as we progress through the COVID-19 situation.
This will allow us to compile more in-depth current data, and most importantly, incorporate resident input into the plan. The planning process will take 14 months and is expected to be complete by summer 2021. The implementation of the plan by Port Authority is expected to start immediately after the plan is complete. To learn more about our community engagement phases, schedule, and how you can participate, visit our Plan Details page and Public Engagement Plan pages.
+ Will NEXTransit be accessible for people with disabilities?
It is our top priority to ensure that all people are able to participate in the NEXTransit plan and offer their ideas in whatever way works best for them. Starting with our website, we strive for a universally accessible experience, and have detailed our efforts on our Accessibility Commitment page.
Our public engagement activities will also be fully accessible, with accommodations available for both online and in-person meetings (if and when we're able to host those). Of course, feel free to contact us with comments or questions about any aspect of our accessibility provisions—we will be happy to assist and adjust as needed.
+ What will Port Authority do with my comments on the plan?
Answers to surveys, questionnaires, public comments, and other information collected during our public engagement phases will be compiled and used to represent the voice of the people. In order to meet their mission of creating a stable, viable and growing public transit system, Port Authority recognizes that they must include the people they serve in the decision-making process.
+ When I complete a survey, will my personal information be shared or sold?
All personal information collected is done so exclusively with your consent. We do not, in any circumstances, share your personal information with other individuals or organizations without your permission, including public organizations, corporations, or individuals, except when applicable by law. We do not sell, communicate, or divulge your information to any third-party mailing lists.
+ What municipalities are included?
The geographic scope of the plan consists of the Port Authority service area, which includes all of Allegheny County and 3 miles into the counties next to the Allegheny County boundaries. This includes all areas that currently have transit options and also places where transit does not run today. Even if there is no Port Authority transit services in your area, your participation is very important as it helps us determine gaps in service and where we might look to add new options.
+ Who is working on the plan?
The NEXTransit planning team will be guided by Port Authority staff. Port Authority has contracted Michael Baker International, Inc. (Michael Baker) who has partnered with E. Holdings Inc., Campos, Inc., Infrastrategies, LLC, and Drive Engineering Corp. to assist in carrying out the planning effort.
+ How long will it take to develop the NEXTransit plan?
The planning process will take 14 months and is expected to be complete by summer 2021. The implementation of the plan by Port Authority is expected to start immediately after the plan is final.
+ What are the next steps after the NEXTransit Plan is complete?
Following the adoption of the NEXTransit plan by Port Authority, the implementation of the plan will begin. Throughout the planning process a series of short-term initiatives will be identified for Port Authority, with public support, to begin immediately.
+ What types of transit are being included in the NEXTransit plan?
NEXTransit will focus on (but not be limited to) the services Port Authority currently runs such as bus, light rail, and incline. Future modes of transit will also be explored with a goal of creating a better, more cohesive network. While Port Authority does not run highways, bike lanes, traffic signals, etc., partner agencies who operate these will be actively involved in the planning process. All parts of the transportation network are important to consider when planning for an integrated and improved transit network.
+ How does this plan affect the plans/projects that Port Authority already has planned/underway?
Any projects that are already planned or in-progress will not be affected by this plan.
+ Will this project affect my current bus route?
Aside from the normal schedule and route adjustments Port Authority typically does on a quarterly basis, there will be no changes to routes while we are developing the NEXTransit plan. Any current or proposed route changes will be reviewed as part of the NEXTransit process and after the plan is complete, route changes may happen based on recommendations made in the plan.
+ Will this project affect the cost of riding?
Fare policy is a separate topic that Port Authority is addressing for the near-term. Port Authority has its own timeline and public engagement process for this topic. Long-term, there may be changes to fares based on the overall needs of the system and of the agency, as determined by the plan.
+ Will the plan raise taxes/how is it funded?
The long-term financial operations of Port Authority will be a key part of the plan. Future capital (construction) projects will also be prioritized. Dedicated funding for transit is a critical issue for regions across the country, and each region has unique challenges and approaches to solving this problem. The solution for our region will be customized based on the outcome of the NEXTransit plan. That solution could involve tax revenue, but nothing related to this has been determined (or even discussed) yet.
+ Will the plan incorporate ways to reduce emissions, increase environmental protection, etc.?
Yes! This is of critical importance to our region, and to our planet. Port Authority strives to be a leader in greenhouse gas reduction, both through improvements to its fleet and through reduction in single-occupancy vehicle trips. Exactly how that will look is something the plan will outline based on public input.
+ What kind of changes/projects will come out of this plan?
NEXTransit will focus on both operational and capital (project) needs over the next 25 years; that includes actions and projects that Port Authority could begin immediately or over time. The exact changes or projects to come out of the plan have not been determined yet; that is what we will be working with you to do over the next 14 months. For example, the plan might say to build a new busway in a certain location, upgrade an existing station to include new features, or use a new type of technology to improve service to certain areas. We will work with you to decide these things together.
+ How often will the plan get updated after it is adopted?
The plan can be updated as transit, economic, and demographic conditions change. Though Port Authority has not yet determined an update schedule, it’s anticipated that all future plan updates will include a robust public engagement program to ensure that the public’s contribution and input will help shape Port Authority’s future planning efforts and initiatives.
Once the development process is complete, the final Long-Range Transportation plan will be compiled and published. The report will then be utilized by the Port Authority and can be updated as needed.
+ How do I find out if a project is to be started?
Projects that are identified through the NEXTransit plan will be prioritized and listed clearly in the plan. Deeper discussions on future projects will be happening in early 2021. See the project schedule to learn more.
After the NEXTransit plan is complete and these individual projects begin, Port Authority and its partners will kick off public engagement processes unique to those projects.
+ Will the plan affect transportation jobs?
While the nature of transportation jobs is changing (and, in fact, has always been changing), we cannot predict what types and numbers of transportation jobs will be needed in the future. Though technology is rapidly developing, and companies are promising mobility revolutions, we must remember the importance of human connections. There is no substitute for human interaction, and transportation is all about moving people, not just vehicles. NEXTransit is focused on people, first and foremost—transit is a means to connect people to one another.