NEXTransit Project Scoring Metrics
Let’s walk through the process of how we ranked and scored the priorities based on your input, community data, and rider needs.
To best prioritize the proposed transit projects, programs, and policies the NEXTransit planners developed criteria to assign each points.
The criteria are based on demographics, projected growth, and other data gathered from the Census, StreetLight mobile location data, Port Authority ridership, and other sources. These criteria measure how much return on investment a project would bring and help our team to prioritize which projects should be rolled out first.
Main Project Scoring Criteria:
All of these factors were measured and scored along with public input from each survey and engagement activity. Some milestones in the process include:
Underlying corridor and place data analysis applied to proposed projects
27 key corridors and 46 key places
Multiple corridors and/or places may apply to each project
Developed weighted scoring system considering individual metrics’ applicability to prioritized values

The chart below shows how each value was weighted to ensure that priority projects reflect a broad spectrum of factors that impact transit. Each metric is also tied directly to a core value that you identified as important early on in the planning process.