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NEXTransit Downtown Proposed Bus Routing Plan Review
Join us to learn about the recommended network, bus stop cahnges, and next steps.
Meeting held via zoom, registration is required.

NEXTransit Downtown Proposed Bus Routing Plan Review
Join us to learn about the recommended network, bus stop changes, and next steps.
Meeting held via zoom, registration is required.

NEXTransit Downtown route Scenarios Meeting #2
NEXTransit Downtown Route Scenario Review Meeting #2
Join us to review the two scenarios for Downtown Bus routes and give your input on each.
Please register for this meeting to receive the Zoom link.

NEXTransit Downtown Route Scenarios Meeting 1
NEXTransit Downtown Route Scenario Review Meeting #1
Join us to review the two scenarios for Downtown Bus routes and give your input on each.
Please register for this meeting to receive the Zoom link.

BOTEB - Concept Plan Review In-Person Meeting
PRT wants your input on the new Wilkinsburg and Brushton Station area plans! Join us from 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM for light refreshments and to review the proposed design concepts and share your thoughts and ideas.

BOTEB - Concept Plan Review Online Meeting
PRT wants your input on the new Wilkinsburg and Brushton Station area plans! Join us from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM to review the proposed design concepts and share your thoughts and ideas.
Please register for this event to receive the Zoom link.

NEXTransit Downtown Public Input Meeting #2
Join us for our first round of public input meetings! We will review information about the plan and collect input on what likes, dislikes, and wants you would like for the transit system in the downtown area.

NEXTransit Downtown Public Input Meeting #1
Join us for our first round of public input meetings! We will review information about the plan and collect input on what likes, dislikes, and wants you would like for the transit system in the downtown area.

Online Open House
We heard all your needs, ideas, and big dreams for the future of our transit system. We’ve analyzed the numbers and assessed the investment feasibility to create a transit project map and a slate of programs for our 25-year planning horizon. Join us to hear and give your input on the draft NEXTransit Plan from Port Authority and the NEXTransit team.
Register now

In-Person Open House
Join us to learn about the draft NEXTransit Plan from Port Authority and the NEXTransit team and give your input. We will have a transit selfie station, fun kids activities, and you could even get some cool NEXTransit swag!

In-Person Open House
Join us to learn about the draft NEXTransit Plan from Port Authority and the NEXTransit team and give your input. We will have a transit selfie station, fun kids activities, cool NEXTransit swag, and the carousel will be open with rides sponsored by the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy!

Online Open House
We heard all your needs, ideas, and big dreams for the future of our transit system. We’ve analyzed the numbers and assessed the investment feasibility to create a transit project map and a slate of programs for our 25-year planning horizon. Join us to hear and give your input on the draft NEXTransit Plan from Port Authority and the NEXTransit team.
Register now

Did We Get It Right?
Join us we review the prioritized projects and program list, how and why we chose these projects and programs, and ask YOU: Did we get it right?
Register Now (scroll down on registration page to choose meeting time)
Or participate by phone by calling 855-925-2801, code 4581 during the meeting time.

Did We Get It Right?
Join us we review the prioritized projects and program list, how and why we chose these projects and programs, and ask YOU: Did we get it right?
Register Now (scroll down on registration page to choose meeting time)
Or participate by phone by calling 855-925-2801, code 4581 during the meeting time.

Did We Get It Right?
Join us we review the prioritized projects and program list, how and why we chose these projects and programs, and ask YOU: Did we get it right?
Register Now
Or participate by phone by calling 855-925-2801, code 4581 during the meeting time.

'Talking Transit' Tuesdays
Join us for "Talking Transit' Tuesdays, a LIVE Q&A with our transit planner. To join register here
Or call in by phone at 646-558-8656, Meeting ID: 944 7540 4935, Passcode: 326463

'Talking Transit' Tuesdays
Join us for "Talking Transit' Tuesdays, a LIVE Q&A with our transit planner. To join register here
Or call in by phone at 646-558-8656, Meeting ID: 992 8070 1552, Passcode: 541290

NEXTransit Meeting #13 - What Investments are Most Important?
This meeting will feature an overview of potential preliminary transit projects followed by a priority ranking exercise.

NEXTransit Meeting #12 - What Investments are Most Important?
This meeting will feature an overview of potential preliminary transit projects followed by a priority ranking exercise.

NEXTransit Meeting #11 - What Investments are Most Important?
This meeting will feature an overview of potential preliminary transit projects followed by a priority ranking exercise.

NEXTransit Meeting #10 - What Investments are Most Important?
This meeting will feature an overview of potential preliminary transit projects followed by a priority ranking exercise.

Online Meeting Series: Theme 2
Join us for our Theme 2: Where do you want to go? online public meeting series.
During these meetings the NEXTransit team will walk you through our plan details and goals with LIVE surveys throughout the presentation. For the last 45 minutes of the meeting attendees will be given the chance to participate in a live Q&A session. The remaining four meeting dates and times are:
Please register in advance. If you require special accommodations please indicate on the registration form and we will contact you with further instructions. You may also participate by phone by calling 855-925-2801, dial code 8676 when prompted. All meetings will cover the same content so feel free to attend just one, or all!
Past Meetings
Missed our public meetings? We missed you, too! Catching up won’t be a problem, though. You can watch the presentation recordings here.
NEXTransit Downtown Scenario Review Public Meeting
February 28, 2023
NEXTransit Downtown Transit Study Public Meeting
August 25, 2022
NEXTransit: Reviewing the Draft Plan
August 10, 2021
NEXTransit: Did we get it right?
May 25, 2021
NEXTransit: Projects, Policies, and Programs
March 2, 2021